Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mental Health, Baghdad Style

There is another female staff assistant in the front office named Mary. I am fortunate that we get along very well and we think alike in a lot of ways. In fact, we will often email or IM each other the identical message at the same time, our thoughts crossing each other in cyberspace. Even though we only sit a few feet away from each other, we keep an Instant Message window open on our desktops to maintain a running commentary on the day's events.

Another favorite mental health activity is to find a table outside at the end of the day and have a venting session. The range of topics varies widely. This activity usually involves wine.

There is no other person in the world who better understands what I'm experiencing because our situations and outlook are similar. We have gotten each through some low points. I can't recall a time when my mental health was so dependent on another person.

Mary is currently on R&R in the States.

My mental health is suffering.

My descent into madness is mitigated somewhat by email and Facebook. Yesterday we even managed to have a chat session. It was almost like Mary was sitting just a few feet away from me.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you just posted this 12 minutes ago and here I am checking your blog. Doesn't that count as mental telepathy?


Anonymous said...

Heather, I'm sorry that your mental health is not in very good shape right now. Come by for a visit and help me with my wardrobe bailout. That'll get your mind off things!

Take care,