Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hooray for the USA

I’ve lived in Romania for almost two years now. During that time I’ve realized what I really miss about America. So here’s a list of I appreciate most about life in America.

Breakfast. I’m sorry, but a slice of ham, a piece of cheese and a tomato is NOT breakfast, it’s a sandwich. The next phase of American Cultural Imperialism should include the exportation of IHOP restaurants.

Variety. Whatever your particular taste is, you can find it in America. Whether it’s music, t.v. shows, clothes, furniture, food, etc. There are a ton of choices.

Convenience. It’s so easy to do things in America. Going to the grocery store, buying stamps online, paying your taxes through the mail. These are things I used to take for granted, but now I realize how unique a convenient lifestyle is.

Good service. Anyone who’s ever been to a restaurant in Eastern Europe will understand this one.

Shopping. As good as I’ve gotten at online shopping, it’s not the same thing. I love to walk into a big, clean, pretty mall and spend an afternoon wandering in stores, looking at stuff I don’t really need and trying on clothes. Don’t discount the power of retail therapy.

American television. Okay, I used to be a critic of the crap that’s broadcasted in the U.S. But after two years of watching the slim pickings of exported U.S. television shows, I miss watching Friends and Seinfeld reruns while eating dinner.

Softball. I miss the weekly games, even on the really cold nights. And hanging out at Moylan’s afterwards.

Needless to say, I’m really looking forward to home leave in May and training in D.C. in the summer.


Digger said...

Nothing like being overseas to realize how much better America does almost everything! I would add to your list that Americans know the function and basic fairness of a line.

I am adding a link to your blog on my blogroll of FS blogs at

Harvey said...

I'm not an FSO, but I'm an American ex-pat in Japan, have been here for 5 years now.

"Good service. Anyone who’s ever been to a restaurant in Eastern Europe will understand this one."

Funny thing is, when I go back to the states, it's the first thing that triggers "reverse culture shock" in me... The service in America is so BAD compared to Japan! I find the clerks back home downright rude at times.

Great blog! I'm loving it! Keep your head down when you get to Iraq!